- Most December and early January buyers are serious about purchasing and likely facing some sort of deadline.
- January is the biggest transfer month of the year and job transferee’s use the holidays to house hunt.
- Many people want to buy before the end of the year for financial and tax reasons. Investors usually want to close by year-end for tax purposes.
- Homes show well when decorated for the holidays creating a sense of family and people are much more emotionally drawn to the house, emotion sells.
- Many people take vacation around the holidays allowing more time to look for a home.
- Remodelling, decorating, appliance installation and other services are more available and at less of a premium. Lenders aren’t as busy and can process mortgage loans faster.
- Showings will be fewer and less intrusive, but more likely to be fruitful with motivated, qualified buyers.
- Buyers are a bit more emotional during the holidays which can work positively in your favour.
- Historically, there are FEWER homes for Buyers to choose from during the holidays, so those homes ON the market generally have less competition.
- You can sell now, but specify a delayed closing or extend occupancy until January, if you so desire.
- By selling now, you will have an opportunity to buy during the Spring, when MANY homes are on the market and price will then become more negotiable for you as the Buyer.
courtesy of Michelle Wright – thewrightmove.ca